Audible Life Stream

I have found that people attain this state at first through deep prayer or meditation. Later we can recognize and connect with it whenever we can shift our focus from the negativity around us and place our attention on it. (Not always an easy thing to do)
There are many descriptions of what the sound current actually sounds like. For me it is like the hum of tires on the road or the hum of a large fan. When I open myself to it, the sound seems to penetrate the center of my chest and radiate out to the extremities or sometimes it comes over me like a wave from head to foot. An absolute peacefulness fills me for a moment. Sometimes it passes quickly and other times it stays with me all day.
In his book The Path of the Masters Dr. Julian Johnson who spent 7 years in the 1930’s in India studying with a Sant Mat master talked of this sound current this way:
“The audible life stream is the cardinal, central fact in the science of the masters… it is the supreme fact and factor of the entire universe. It is the very essence and life of all things. It is perhaps less known than any other important fact of nature, yet it is the one determining factor of all nature. That is indeed a pity.” pg. 392 (16th edition 1997)
He then goes on to point out that this audible life stream is even talked about in the Gospel of John. (though he thinks that it is mostly misunderstood.)
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made.” (John 1:1-3)
For truth seekers like Johnson, among whom I humbly count myself, I think this is perhaps the one seed of truth that can have the deepest and most profound affect upon students of spirituality. Connecting with this stream is probably in fact the goal of spiritual endeavors. Like the energy James Redfield spoke of in his book the Celestine Prophecy, it is the ultimate reality we strive toward. I suggest you give it a try.

The Power of the Word
We find in the Bible the words: ‘In the beginning was the word, and the word was God’, and we also find that the word is light, and that when that light dawned the whole creation manifested. These are not only religious verses; to the mystic or seer the deepest revelation is contained in them.

The Mysticism of Sound
Abstract sound is called sawt-e-sarmad by the Sufis; all space is filled with it. The vibrations of this sound are too fine to be either audible or visible to the material ears or eyes, since it is even difficult for the eyes to see the form and color of the ethereal vibrations on the external plane.

A progressive religion well ahead of its time when it was founded over 500 years ago, The Sikh religion today has a following of over 20 million people worldwide and is ranked as the worlds 5th largest religion. Sikhism preaches a message of devotion and remembrance of God at all times, truthful living, equality of mankind and denounces superstitions and blind rituals.

Naam or Word – Hari Ras
Now we come to another term, “Hari Ras” or Divine intoxication. Whoever communes with the Word, Shabd or Naam feels an exhilarating effect, too sweet and too absorbing for words. Far from being inebriating and stupefying it raises one into a state of super-consciousness and universal awareness.

Vipassana Meditation: The Soothing Divinity of Sound
The Himalayan masters of ancient India developed the “sound current” that is now known as the “divine sound.” The divine sound is the foundation used for practicing various forms of yoga—nada, sahaj, Babaji, kriya, and Sikh practices such as shabda yoga.