The Power of the Word

The Power of the Word

We find in the Bible the words: ‘In the beginning was the word, and the word was God’, and we also find that the word is light, and that when that light dawned the whole creation manifested. These are not only religious verses; to the mystic or seer the deepest revelation is contained in them.

The Mysticism of Sound

The Mysticism of Sound

Abstract sound is called sawt-e-sarmad by the Sufis; all space is filled with it. The vibrations of this sound are too fine to be either audible or visible to the material ears or eyes, since it is even difficult for the eyes to see the form and color of the ethereal vibrations on the external plane.



A progressive religion well ahead of its time when it was founded over 500 years ago, The Sikh religion today has a following of over 20 million people worldwide and is ranked as the worlds 5th largest religion. Sikhism preaches a message of devotion and remembrance of God at all times, truthful living, equality of mankind and denounces superstitions and blind rituals.

Naam or Word – Hari Ras

Naam or Word – Hari Ras

Now we come to another term, “Hari Ras” or Divine intoxication. Whoever communes with the Word, Shabd or Naam feels an exhilarating effect, too sweet and too absorbing for words. Far from being inebriating and stupefying it raises one into a state of super-consciousness and universal awareness.

Virtually every civilization in the world has had some type of creation myth that involved sound, usually sound that was equated with consciousness and that this celestial sound was the first creation, so that everything else created came from such ‘otherworldly’ sound in the ether. A number of spiritual, mystical and religious texts have spoken of this metaphysical equation of sound as an element of their most honored traditions.

But do the metaphysical premises presented here before us truly point to an inner sonic key that is unique to each and every one of us? One that can define where our future divine heritage really does take us?

We have attempted here to compile as complete a guide as possible about this inner sound current, and maybe there are clues here that lead to some answers. But possibly the final answer is revealed whenever we individually take up the clarion call of the spiritual explorer residing deep inside each of us.

Naam or Word – Evidence From Various Religions

Naam or Word – Evidence From Various Religions

If we go through the scriptures of various religions, we find clear references to the basic common factor, the Divine Light and Sound Current, as the only means for creation and maintenance of the universe and the regeneration of mankind.

The Sound of Silence By Ajahn Sumedho

The Sound of Silence By Ajahn Sumedho

As you calm down you can experience the sound of silence in the mind. You hear it as a kind of high frequency sound, a ringing sound that’s always there. It is just normally never noticed. Now when you begin to hear that sound of silence, it’s a sign of emptiness – of silence of the mind. It’s something you can always turn to.

Naam or Word – Celestial Music or Divine Harmony

Naam or Word – Celestial Music or Divine Harmony

ORDINARILY, when the hymns of the saints are sung with accompaniment by musical instruments, it is called “Kirtan.” This music–vocal or instrumental–has a great appeal to the mind because of its power of attraction. It does for a while produce stillness in the mind and the subtle faculties.

The Human Dilemma of the Spiritual Seeker

The Human Dilemma of the Spiritual Seeker

You cannot just become a seeker of God without having previously developed this spiritual desire through the evolution of your own inner consciousness. Not everyone desires to know God and Its infallible truth, nor does the realization of the true self have much universal draw in our highly technological world.


Virtually every civilization in the world has had some type of creation myth that involved sound, usually sound that was equated with consciousness and that this celestial sound was the first creation, so that everything else created came from such ‘otherworldly’ sound in the ether. A number of spiritual, mystical and religious texts have spoken of this metaphysical equation of sound as an element of their most honored traditions.

But do the metaphysical premises presented here before us truly point to an inner sonic key that is unique to each and every one of us? One that can define where our future divine heritage really does take us?

We have attempted here to compile as complete a guide as possible about this inner sound current, and maybe there are clues here that lead to some answers. But possibly the final answer is revealed whenever we individually take up the clarion call of the spiritual explorer residing deep inside each of us.